JAVA & Frameworks
01. Core JAVA Programming
- Introduction-- Part:01
- Command Line Argument-- Part:02
- Understanding java package-- Part:03
- Local, Instance and Static variable-- Part:04
- Instance vs Static Variable-- Part:05
- Comments-- Part:06
- Bitwise Operator-- Part:07
- Static import-- Part:08
- Use of Array-- Part:09
- Declaring and Initializing Field Variable-- Part:10
- Constructor Concept-- Part:11
- Method Declaration-- Part:12
- Fields parameters and local variables-- Part:13
- Instance vs parameters ambiguity and pass the current object-- Part:14
- Pass by value-- Part:15
- Inheritance-- Part:16
- Covarient return-- Part:17
- String Class-- Part:18
- String vs StringBuffer and StringBuilder-- Part:19
- Primitive Type Casting-- Part:20
- Object Type Casting-- Part:21
- Class and Object Concept-- Part:22
- Wrapper Class-- Part:23
- Interface-- Part:24
- Instanceof operator-- Part:25
- Nested Classes-- Part:26
- Abstract Classes-- Part:27
- Memory Management-- Part:28
- String Pool-- Part:29
- Compile with javap Options-- Part:30
- Use of toString method-- Part:31
- Enum-- Part:32
- Enum vs constant-- Part:33
- Variable length arguments-- Part:34
- Short-Circuit Operator-- Part:35
- Encapsulation-- Part:36
- Singleton Pattern-- Part:37
- Static Constructor-- Part:38
- Exception Handling Basic-- Part:39
- Exception Printing-- Part:40
- Use of finally block-- Part:41
- Exception throw-throws-- Part:42
- Exception Propagation-- Part:43
- Exception Overridden Rule-- Part:44
- Assertion in JAVA-- Part:45
- Recursion in JAVA-- Part:46
- Collection Framework Basic-- Part:47
- Bangla Core Java Tutorial(ArrayList)-- Part:48
- Bangla Core Java Tutorial-(Vector)-- Part:49
- Convert Array to List-- Part:50
- Comparable Interface-- Part:51
- Comparator Interface-- Part:52
- PriorityQueue-- Part:53
- Generics-- Part:54
- Unbounded Wildcard-- Part:55
- Upper Bound Wildcard-- Part:56
- Lower Bound Wildcard-- Part:57
- Generics class and methods-- Part:58
- I/O Fundamental-- Part:59
- I/O Streams-- Part:60
- Create, Rename and Delete File-- Part:61
- Serialization-- Part:62
- Using Properties File-- Part:63
- Working with Date-- Part:64
- Multithreading-- Part:65
- Synchronization-- Part:66
- Multithreading vs Multitasking-- Part:67
- Thread start and run-- Part:68
- Joining Thread-- Part:69
- Thread Priority-- Part:70
- Thread wait and notify-- Part:71
- Thread Deadlock-- Part:72
- Networking-- Part:73
02. Advanced Java(Swing) Programming
- Creating JFrame-- Part:01
- Sizing and Positioning JFrame-- Part:02
- Layout Management-- Part:03
- Box Layout-- Part:04
- Card and GridBag Layout-- Part:05
- Adding Component-- Part:06
- Adding RadioButton and ComboBox-- Part:07
- Event Handling Basic-- Part:08
- Working with Menu-- Part:09
- Working with JTable and JList-- Part:10
- Working with JColorChooser and JFileChooser-- Part:11
- MouseEvent Example-- Part:12
- WindowEvent Example-- Part:13
- KeyEvent Example-- Part:14
- FocusEvent Example-- Part:15
03. Java Swing Utility Basic Project
04. Java Swing Live Project (Notepad)
- Java Swing Project-Notepad -- Part:01
- Java Swing Project-Notepad -- Part:02
- Java Swing Project-Notepad -- Part:03
- Java Swing Project-Notepad -- Part:04
- Java Swing Project-Notepad -- Part:05
- Java Swing Project-Notepad -- Part:06
- Java Swing Project-Notepad -- Part:07
- Java Swing Project-Notepad -- Part:08
- Java Swing Project-Notepad -- Part:09
- Java Swing Project-Notepad -- Part:10
- Java Swing Project-Notepad -- Part:11
- Java Swing Project-Notepad -- Part:12
- Java Swing Project-Notepad -- Part:13
- Java Swing Project-Notepad -- Part:14
- Java Swing Project-Notepad -- Part:15
- Java Swing Project-Notepad -- Part:16
- Java Swing Project-Notepad -- Part:17
- Java Swing Project-Notepad -- Part:18
- Java Swing Project-Notepad -- Part:19
- Java Swing Project-Notepad -- Part:20
05. Java Swing Mock Exam Project
- Bangla Java Swing Mock Exam Project -- Part:01
- Bangla Java Swing Mock Exam Project -- Part:02
- Bangla Java Swing Mock Exam Project -- Part:03
- Bangla Java Swing Mock Exam Project -- Part:04
- Bangla Java Swing Mock Exam Project -- Part:05
- Bangla Java Swing Mock Exam Project -- Part:06
- Bangla Java Swing Mock Exam Project -- Part:07
- Bangla Java Swing Mock Exam Project -- Part:08
06. Bangla JDBC Tutorial
- Installing MySQL -- Part:01
- MySQL Insert -- Part:02
- JdbcOdbcDriver Example -- Part:03
- Oracle Database Connectivity -- Part:04
- Stored Procedure -- Part:05
- MySQL trigger example -- Part:06
- Search using procedure -- Part:07
- MySQL Batch Processing -- Part:08
- ResultSetMetaData example -- Part:09
- Statement vs PreparedStatement -- Part:10
- MySQL command line example -- Part:11
- Statement vs PreparedStatement -- Part:12
07. Inventory Management Project
08. JSPs and Servlets Tutorial
- Introduction to JSP-- Part:01
- Use of Bean-- Part:02
- Servlet Basic-- Part:03
- Handle Form Data using Servlet-- Part:04
- JSP CRUD Example-- Part:05
- JSP MVC Login-- Part:06
- Implicit Object-- Part:07
- Servlet API-- Part:08
- Expression Language-I -- Part:09
- Expression Language part-II -- Part:10
- JSTL Intro and Login Example -- Part:11
- JSTL CRUD Example -- Part:12
- JSTL CRUD MVC Example -- Part:13
09. JSF Bangla Tutorials
10. Hibernate Bangla Tutorials
- Introduction and setup -- Part:01
- First Application -- Part:02
- property -- Part:03
- Common Annotation -- Part:04
- CRUD Example -- Part:05
- Reverse Engineering -- Part:06
- Using JSF -- Part:07
- One to One Mapping-- Part:08
- One to Many Mapping -- Part:09
- Introducing HQL -- Part:10
- Pagination in HQL -- Part:11
- Parameter Binding in HQL -- Part:12
- Named Query -- Part:13
- Criteria API -- Part:14
- Connection Pooling -- Part:15
- Primary Level Cache -- Part:16
- Secondary Level EhCache -- Part:17
11. JSF Hibernate E-commerce Project
- JAVA E-commerce Project (Database Creation)-- Part:01
- JAVA E-commerce Project (Configure in NetBeans)-- Part:02
- JAVA E-commerce Project (Add Category) -- Part:03
- JAVA E-commerce Project (Add Sub-Category) -- Part:04
- JAVA E-commerce Project (Add Sub-Category) -- Part:05
- JAVA E-commerce Project (Add Product) -- Part:06
- JAVA E-commerce Project (Add More Product) -- Part:07
- JAVA E-commerce Project (Upload Product Image) -- Part:08
- JAVA E-commerce Project (Display Product) -- Part:09
- JAVA E-commerce Project (Add to Cart) -- Part:10
- JAVA E-commerce Project (View Cart) -- Part:11
- JAVA E-commerce Project (Cart Refine) -- Part:12
- JAVA E-commerce Project (PayPal Integration) -- Part:13
- JAVA E-commerce Project (SEO Friendly URL) -- Part:14
- JAVA E-commerce Project (Bootstrap Templating) -- Part:15
12. Struts 2 Bangla Tutorial
- Struts 2 (Introduction)-- Part:01
- Struts 2 (First Application)-- Part:02
- Struts 2 (struts xml in details)-- Part:03
- Struts 2 (namespace concept)-- Part:04
- Struts 2 (Multiple Configuration)-- Part:05
- Struts 2 (Autocompleter)-- Part:06
- Struts 2 (Best Practice)-- Part:07
- Struts 2 (Validation Concept)-- Part:08
- Struts 2 (Custom Validation)-- Part:09
- Struts 2 (Bundle Validators Concept)-- Part:10
- Struts 2 (Bundle Validators example)-- Part:11
- Struts 2 (Ajax Validation example)-- Part:12
- Struts 2 (Hibernate Integration)-- Part:13
13. Spring Framework Tutorials
- Spring Framework (Introduction)-- Part:01
- Spring Framework (Netbeans Configuration)-- Part:02
- Spring Framework (First Application)-- Part:03
- Spring Framework (Dependency Injection-1)-- Part:04
- Spring Framework (Dependency Injection-2)-- Part:05
- Spring Framework (Dependency Injection-3)-- Part:06
- Spring Framework (Dependency Injection-4)-- Part:07
- Spring Framework (Bean Autowiring)-- Part:08
- Spring Framework (Bean Definition Inheritance)-- Part:09
- Spring Framework (Bean Scope)-- Part:10
- Spring Framework (Bean Life cycle)-- Part:11
- Spring Framework (Bean Life cycle:Part:2)-- Part:12
- Spring Framework (Bean Life cycle:Part-3)-- Part:13
- Spring Framework (Bean Post Processor)-- Part:14
- Spring Framework (Bean Factory Post Processor)-- Part:15
- Spring Framework (Property Placeholder)-- Part:16
- Spring Framework (Required Annotation)-- Part:17
- Spring Framework (Autowired Annotation)-- Part:18
- Spring Framework (JSR-250 Annotation)-- Part:19
- Spring Framework (Stereotype Annotation-- Part:20
14. Spring AOP Tutorials
- Spring AOP (AOP Concept)-- Part:01
- Spring AOP (First Application)-- Part:02
- Spring AOP (Wildcard and Pointcut expression)-- Part:03
- Spring AOP (More Pointcut expression)-- Part:04
- Spring AOP (Join Point and Advice Argument)-- Part:05
- Spring AOP (After Advice)-- Part:06
- Spring AOP (Around and Custom Advice)-- Part:07
- Spring AOP (XML Configuration)-- Part:08
- Spring AOP (Proxy Concept)-- Part:09
15. Spring JDBC Tutorials
16. Spring MVC CRUD
17. Spring Web MVC Tutorials
- First Application in Netbeans -- Part:01
- Multi Action Controller and Path Variable -- Part:02
- Handle Form Data -- Part:03
- Use of ModelAttribute Annotation -- Part:04
- Auto binding other Data Types -- Part:05
- Auto binding Custom Data Types -- Part:06
- InitBinder Annotation and Property Editor Classes-- Part:07
- Custom Property Editor Classes -- Part:08
- Form Validation -- Part:09
- Form Validation-- Part:10
- Form Validation:Part-2-- Part:11
- Interceptor Concept -- Part:12
- Internationalization and Localization-- Part:13
- Web Flow-- Part:14
- Sub Flow-- Part:15
- Integrating JSF-PrimeFaces-- Part:16
☎ Contact: 01916-894716 (Md. Kawser)