PHP & Projects
01. PHP Fundamentals Bangla Tutorial
- Set Up Personal Web Server with XAMPP-- Part:01
- Set Up Personal Web Server with WAMP-- Part:02
- Set Up WPИ-XM Server Stack & NGINX configuration-- Part:2.1
- PHP Fundamentals (PHP Syntax)-- Part:03
- PHP Fundamentals (Declaring PHP Variables)-- Part:04
- PHP Fundamentals (Show Output in PHP-- Part:05
- PHP Fundamentals (PHP Data Types)-- Part:06
- PHP Fundamentals (Strings)-- Part:07
- PHP Fundamentals (Constants)-- Part:08
- PHP Fundamentals (Operators)-- Part:09
- PHP Fundamentals (Assignment Operators)-- Part:10
- PHP Fundamentals (Comparison Operators)-- Part:11
- PHP Fundamentals (Increment/Decrement Operators)-- Part:12
- PHP Fundamentals (Logical Operators)-- Part:13
- PHP Fundamentals (String Operators)-- Part:14
- PHP Fundamentals (Array Operators)-- Part:15
- PHP Fundamentals (Conditional Statements)-- Part:16
- PHP Fundamentals (Switch Statements)-- Part:17
- PHP Fundamentals (While Loops)-- Part:18
- PHP Fundamentals (For Loops)-- Part:19
- PHP Fundamentals (foreach Loops)-- Part:20
- PHP Fundamentals (Functions)-- Part:21
- PHP Fundamentals (Arrays)-- Part:22
- PHP Fundamentals (Sorting Arrays)-- Part:23
- PHP Fundamentals (Variable Scope)-- Part:24
- PHP Fundamentals (Superglobals)-- Part:25
- PHP Fundamentals ($_REQUEST & $_POST) -- Part:26
- PHP Fundamentals ($_GET)-- Part:27
- PHP Fundamentals (Form Validation)-- Part:28
- PHP Fundamentals (Form Required)-- Part:29
- PHP Fundamentals (URL/E-mail Validation)-- Part:30
- PHP Fundamentals (Date and Time)-- Part:31
- PHP Fundamentals (Include & Require)-- Part:32
- PHP Fundamentals (File Handling)-- Part:33
- PHP Fundamentals (File Open/Read/Close)-- Part:34
- PHP Fundamentals (File Create & Write)-- Part:35
- PHP Fundamentals (File/Image Upload)-- Part:36
- PHP Fundamentals (Sessions)-- Part:37
- PHP Fundamentals (Cookie)-- Part:38
- PHP Fundamentals (Filters)-- Part:39
- PHP Fundamentals (Filters Advanced)-- Part:40
- PHP Fundamentals (Error Reporting)-- Part:41
- PHP Fundamentals (PHP Exception)-- Part:42
- PHP Fundamentals (Explode & Implode Function) -- Part:43
- PHP Fundamentals (Case Change) -- Part:44
- PHP Fundamentals (Strip whiltespace/Characters)-- Part:45
- PHP Fundamentals (require/require_once)-- Part:46
02. PHP Array Functions Tutorial
- PHP Array Functions (Creates an array)-- Part:01
- PHP Array Functions (array_change_key_case)-- Part:02
- PHP Array Functions (array_column)-- Part:03
- PHP Array Functions (array_combine)-- Part:04
- PHP Array Functions(array_count_values)-- Part:05
- PHP Array Functions (array_diff)-- Part:06
- PHP Array Functions (array_diff_assoc)-- Part:07
- PHP Array Functions (array_diff_key)-- Part:08
- PHP Array Functions (array_intersect-- Part:09
- PHP Array Functions (array_intersect_assoc)-- Part:10
- PHP Array Functions (array_intersect_key)-- Part:11
- PHP Array Functions (array_key_exists)-- Part:12
- PHP Array Functions (array_keys)-- Part:13
- PHP Array Functions (array_map)-- Part:14
- PHP Array Functions (array_merge)-- Part:15
- PHP Array Functions (array_multisort)-- Part:16
- PHP Array Functions (array_pad)-- Part:17
- PHP Array Functions (array_pop & array_push)-- Part:18
- PHP Array Functions (array_product)-- Part:19
- PHP Array Functions (array_replace)-- Part:20
- PHP Array Functions (array_reverse)-- Part:21
- PHP Array Functions (array_search)-- Part:22
- PHP Array Functions (array_shift)-- Part:23
- PHP Array Functions (array_slice)-- Part:24
- PHP Array Functions (array_sum)-- Part:25
- PHP Array Functions (array_unique)-- Part:26
- PHP Array Functions (array_unshift)-- Part:27
- PHP Array Functions (array_values)-- Part:28
- PHP Array Functions (array_walk)-- Part:29
- PHP Array Functions (arsort & asort)-- Part:30
- PHP Array Functions (compact)-- Part:31
- PHP Array Functions (current)-- Part:32
- PHP Array Functions (in_array)-- Part:33
- PHP Array Functions (key,krsort,ksort)-- Part:34
- PHP Array Functions (shuffle)-- Part:35
03. Working with HTML Forms
- Getting values from a Text Box with PHP-- Part:01
- Getting values from a Text Box with JavaScript-- Part:02
- Getting values from Radio Button in PHP-- Part:03
- Getting values from Radio Button in JavaScript-- Part:04
- Get Multiple Checkbox Values in PHP-- Part:05
- Get Multiple Checkbox Values in JavaScript-- Part:06
- Get Selected Option Value in PHP-- Part:07
- Get Selected Option Value in JavaScript-- Part:08
- Get data from a data table in JavaScript-- Part:09
- Get data from a data table in PHP-- Part:10
04. PHP OOP Fundamentals Tutorial
- Class, Property, Method and Object-- Part:01
- Work with Class, Method and Object-- Part:02
- Constructor Method-- Part:03
- Destructor Method-- Part:04
- __construct() and __destruct()-- Part:05
- Class Constants-- Part:06
- Static properties & methods-- Part:07
- Inheritance-- Part:08
- Preventing from Extending & Overriding-- Part:09
- Access Modifiers-- Part:10
- Polymorphism-- Part:11
- Interface-- Part:12
- Abstract Class-- Part:13
- Magic Methods-- Part:14
- Check for Class & Method Existence-- Part:15
- Autoloading Classes-- Part:16
- PHP Method Chaining-- Part:17
- Type Hinting in PHP-- Part:18
- PHP Object Iteration-- Part:19
- Using Traits in PHP-- Part:20
- __CLASS__ and get_class-- Part:21
- Late Static Binding in PHP-- Part:22
- Object Cloning in PHP-- Part:23
- PHP Magic Method __clone()-- Part:24
- PHP ArrayObject-- Part:25
- Standard PHP Library - SPL-- Part:26
- PHP Object Serialization-- Part:27
- PHP Namespaces-- Part:28
- Strategy Design Pattern-- Part:29
- Factory Design Pattern-- Part:30
- Abstract Factory Design Pattern-- Part:31
- Singleton Design Pattern-- Part:32
- Iterator Design Pattern-- Part:33
- Observer Design Pattern-- Part:34
- Decorator Design Pattern-- Part:35
- Facade Design Pattern-- Part:36
- MySQL-Connect OO Way-- Part:37
- MySQLi-Select/Update Data OO Way-- Part:38
- MySQLi-Basic Prepared Statements-- Part:39
- MySQLi- Prepared Statement with Variables-- Part:40
- Binary Large OBject(BLOB) with Prepared Statements-- Part:41
- PDO - PHP Data Objects-- Part:42
- Prepared Statements with PDO-- Part:43
- bindValue() and bindParam()-- Part:44
- Select Data With PDO-Prepared Statements-- Part:45
- Update, Delete Data With PDO-Prepared Statements-- Part:46
- CRUD With PDO - Template & Database Design-- Part:47
- CRUD With PDO - Database Connection-- Part:48
- CRUD With PDO - Read Data From Database-- Part:49
- CRUD With PDO - Create Data-- Part:50
- CRUD With PDO - Update Data-- Part:51
- CRUD With PDO - Delete Data-- Part:52
- CRUD With PDO + Design Pattern-- Part:53
- CRUD With PDO + Abstract Factory Pattern-- Part:54
- CRUD - Check with XAMPP Server-- Part:54.1
- Model View Controller (MVC) Design Pattern-- Part:55
05. SQL Queries with PhpMyAdmin
- What you will learn-- Part:01
- Create & Drop Database-- Part:02
- Table Creation-- Part:03
- SQL INSERT INTO Statement -- Part:04
- SQL UPDATE Statement-- Part:05
- SQL DELETE Statement-- Part:06
- SQL ALTER TABLE statement-- Part:07
- SQL SELECT Statement-- Part:08
- SQL Operators Overview-- Part:09
- SQL Between Operator-- Part:10
- SQL Like Operator-- Part:11
- SQL IN Operator-- Part:12
- SQL Indexes-- Part:13
- SQL Relationships & Foreign Keys-- Part:14
- SQL Joins-- Part:15
- SQL INNER JOIN-- Part:16
- SQL LEFT JOIN-- Part:17
- SQL RIGHT JOIN-- Part:18
- SQL UNION operator-- Part:19
- SQL UNION ALL Operator-- Part:20
- Join Multiple Tables-- Part:21
- SQL Subquery IN SELECT-- Part:22
- SQL INSERT INTO with subquery-- Part:23
- SQL Subquery with Update & Delete-- Part:24
- SQL TRUNCATE TABLE Command-- Part:25
- SQL Wildcard Operators-- Part:26
- SQL Aliases for Column-- Part:27
- SQL Aliases for Table-- Part:28
- SQL Aggregate Functions-- Part:29
- SQL GROUP BY Statement-- Part:30
- SQL HAVING Clause-- Part:31
- Insert Data into a VIEW-- Part:33
- SQL UCASE & LCASE Functions-- Part:36
- SQL MID, LENGTH, ROUND Functions-- Part:37
- SQL NOW Function-- Part:38
- PhpMyAdmin GUI Mode Operations-- Part:39
- DATABASE Backup-- Part:40
06. PHP OOP Login/Register System
- Project Overview-- Part:00
- Setup initial files & folders-- Part:01
- Design Index Page-- Part:02
- Design Login Page-- Part:03
- Design Registration Page-- Part:04
- Database Connection-- Part:05
- Registration Form Validation-- Part:06
- Email Field Validation-- Part:07
- User Registration Mechanism-- Part:08
- User Login Mechanism-- Part:09
- Session Mechanism-- Part:10
- Logout & User Access-- Part:11
- Showing members & create Profile-- Part:12
- Update User Profile-- Part:13
- Update User Password-- Part:14
- Change Password Mechanism-- Part:15
07. CRUD with PHP OOP and MySQLi
08. Uploading Image File With PHP
09. Blog With PHP OOP and MySQLi
- Project Overview-- Part:00
- Initial Setup-- Part:01
- Database Creation-- Part:02
- Page Segment-- Part:03
- Showing Posts in Blog Page-- Part:04
- Blog Pagination System-- Part:05
- Showing Post Details-- Part:06
- Showing Posts By Category-- Part:07
- Adding Search Functionality-- Part:08
- Dynamic Admin Template-- Part:09
- Creating Session Class-- Part:10
- Admin Login Authentication-- Part:11
- Admin Logout Option-- Part:12
- Update Session Class-- Part:12.a
- Showing Categories in Admin Panel-- Part:13
- Add Categories From Admin Panel-- Part:14
- Update Categories From Admin Panel-- Part:15
- Delete Categories From Admin Panel-- Part:16
- Add Posts From Admin Panel-- Part:17
- Showing Posts in Admin Panel-- Part:18
- Showing Posts in Edit Page-- Part:19
- Update Post with Condition-- Part:20
- Delete Posts From Admin Panel-- Part:21
- Table for Logo, Title, Slogan-- Part:22
- Update Logo, Title, Slogan-- Part:23
- Update Social Media Option-- Part:24
- Update Copyright Option-- Part:25
- Dynamic Page Creation-- Part:26
- Update Page Dynamically-- Part:27
- Delete Page Dynamically-- Part:28
- Showing Pages Dynamically-- Part:29
- Dynamically Displaying Page, Post Title in header.php-- Part:30
- Highlight Current Page or Menu Item-- Part:31
- Contact Form Validation-- Part:32
- Work With Contact Form-- Part:33
- Form Validation Details-- Part:33.1
- Work With Inbox-- Part:34
- Viewing Sent Messages-- Part:35
- Reply messages-- Part:36
- Send Messages to Seen Box-- Part:37
- Delete Messages from Seen Box-- Part:38
- Notification for incoming messages-- Part:39
- Adding Meta Keywords/Tags to Individual Post-- Part:40
- Add User to Assign Roles-- Part:41
- Update User Profile-- Part:42
- Display/Showing User List-- Part:43
- View User Details-- Part:44
- User Roles and Permissions-- Part:45
- Role Based Access Control-- Part:46
- Check Existence of Email Address-- Part:47
- Send Forgotten Password by Email-- Part:48
- Creating Multi-Style Themes-- Part:49
- Apply Multi-Style Themes-- Part:50
- Add Slider Images from Admin-- Part:51
- Showing Slider Image List-- Part:52
- Update & Delete Slider Images-- Part:53
- Showing Sliders on Front View-- Part:54
- File, Folder Access Management & Security-- Part:55
- Uploading Website to Web Server-- Part:56
- Check Website After Uploading Web Server-- Part:57
- Remove index.php from the URL-- Part:58
- Integrate Disqus Commenting System-- Part:59
10. Shoutbox with PHP OOP & MySQLi
11. E-Commerce Website With PHP OOP
- Initial Setup-- Part:01
- Adding Essential Files-- Part:02
- Admin Login Page-- Part:03
- Admin Login Class-- Part:04
- Admin Logout Option-- Part:05
- Adding Product Category-- Part:06
- Showing Category List-- Part:07
- Edit Category Name-- Part:08
- Update Category Name-- Part:09
- Delete Category Name-- Part:10
- Add Brand Name-- Part:11
- Show Brand List-- Part:12
- Update Brand Name-- Part:13
- Delete Brand Name-- Part:14
- Add Product Page-- Part:15
- Product Class-- Part:16
- Showing Product List-- Part:17
- Product List with Category & Brand-- Part:18
- Edit Product Name-- Part:19
- Update Product Name-- Part:20
- Delete Product Name-- Part:21
- Classes for Front View-- Part:22
- Load Products-- Part:23
- Load Single Product-- Part:24
- Add to Cart-- Part:25
- Cart Page-- Part:26
- Avoid Adding Same Product-- Part:27
- Update Cart-- Part:28
- Delete Product from Cart-- Part:29
- Total Amount or Products-- Part:30
- Loading Cart Properly-- Part:31
- Products from Brand-- Part:32
- Products from Category-- Part:33
- Customer Registration Page-- Part:34
- Customer Registration Class-- Part:35
- Customer Login-- Part:36
- Customer Access Control-- Part:37
- Customer Logout-- Part:38
- Customer Profile-- Part:39
- Edit Customer Profile-- Part:40
- Payment Page-- Part:41
- Payment Option-- Part:42
- Offline Order & Payment-- Part:43
- Payment Success-- Part:44
- Product Ordered List-- Part:45
- Showing Ordered Page-- Part:46
- Control Order from Admin-- Part:47
- View Customer Address-- Part:48
- Product Shifting-- Part:49
- Remove Shifted Product-- Part:50
- Product Compare Option-- Part:51
- Product Compare Page-- Part:52
- Load Compared Product-- Part:53
- Compared Visibility-- Part:54
- WishList Option-- Part:55
- Load WishList Products-- Part:56
- Remove WishList Products-- Part:57
- User Access Control-- Part:58
12. PHP OOP, JQuery, Ajax Essential Projects
- PHP OOP, JQuery, Ajax Essential Projects-- Part:01
- PHP OOP, JQuery, Ajax (Username Availability)-- Part:02
- PHP OOP, JQuery, Ajax (Autocomplete Textbox)-- Part:03
- PHP OOP, JQuery, Ajax (Show Password Button)-- Part:04
- PHP OOP, JQuery, Ajax (Auto Refresh Div Content)-- Part:5.1
- PHP OOP, JQuery, Ajax (Auto Refresh Div Content)-- Part:5.2
- PHP OOP, JQuery, Ajax (Live Data Search)-- Part:07
- PHP OOP, JQuery, Ajax (Auto Save Data)-- Part:08
13. Online Exam System - PHP jQuery AJAX
- Online Exam System (Project Overview)-- Part:01
- Online Exam System (Initial Setup)-- Part:02
- Online Exam System (Database)-- Part:03
- Online Exam System (Admin Login)-- Part:04
- Online Exam System (Admin Class)-- Part:05
- Online Exam System (Admin Page)-- Part:06
- Online Exam System (Admin Logout)-- Part:07
- Online Exam System (User Manage)-- Part:08
- Online Exam System (User List)-- Part:09
- Online Exam System (User Control)-- Part:10
- Online Exam System (User Enable Delete)-- Part:11
- Online Exam System (Insert Questions)-- Part:12
- Online Exam System (Showing Questions)-- Part:13
- Online Exam System (Delete Questions)-- Part:14
- Online Exam System (Add Question Page)-- Part:15
- Online Exam System (Questions & Ans)-- Part:16
- Online Exam System (Insert Questions & Ans DB)-- Part:17
- Online Exam System (Work with Front View)-- Part:18
- Online Exam System (User Registration)-- Part:19
- Online Exam System (Showing Message with Ajax)-- Part:20
- Online Exam System (User Login with Ajax)-- Part:21
- Online Exam System (Ajax Login Message)-- Part:22
- Online Exam System (Showing Ajax Message)-- Part:23
- Online Exam System (User Logout)-- Part:24
- Online Exam System (Message FadeOut)-- Part:25
- Online Exam System (User Profile Page)-- Part:26
- Online Exam System (Update User Profile)-- Part:27
- Online Exam System (Design start test page)-- Part:28
- Online Exam System (Start test mechanism)-- Part:29
- Online Exam System (Fetch test data)-- Part:30
- Online Exam System (Quiz/Text Process)-- Part:31
- Online Exam System (Quiz/Text Result)-- Part:32
- Online Exam System (Quiz/Text Result)-- Part:33
- Online Exam System (Final Quiz/Text Mechanism)-- Part:34
- Online Exam System (Error Handling)-- Part:35
14. Employee/Student Attendance System PHP
- Attendance System PHP(Project Overview)-- Part:01
- Attendance System PHP(Initial Setup)-- Part:02
- Attendance System PHP(Layout Design)-- Part:03
- Attendance System PHP(Create Database & Tables)-- Part:04
- Attendance System PHP(Showing Student Data)-- Part:05
- Attendance System PHP(Add Student)-- Part:06
- Attendance System PHP(Add Roll)-- Part:07
- Attendance System PHP(Attendance Mechanism)-- Part:08
- Attendance System PHP(Taking Attendance)-- Part:09
- Attendance System PHP(jQuery validation)-- Part:10
- Attendance System PHP(Update Attendance)-- Part:11
- Attendance System PHP(Update Mechanism)-- Part:12
15. PHP OOP & PDO Dynamic CRUD
- Project Overview-- Part:00
- Interface Design -- Part:01
- Data List Page -- Part:02
- Adding Data Page -- Part:03
- Database Creation -- Part:04
- Database Connection -- Part:05
- Design SELECT Query -- Part:06
- Design SELECT Query -- Part:07
- Design SELECT Query -- Part:08
- Design SELECT Query -- Part:09
- Process to Adding Data -- Part:10
- Design INSERT Query -- Part:11
- Design Session Class -- Part:12
- Display Session Message -- Part:13
- Fetch Data Edit Page -- Part:14
- Process Edit Data -- Part:15
- Design Update Query -- Part:16
- Design Delete Query -- Part:17
- Design Delete Query -- Part:18
- Final Optimization -- Part:19
16. Building Your Own MVC Framework
- MVC Environment Setup-- Part:01
- Create Controller Mechanism-- Part:02
- Create Method Mechanism-- Part:03
- Solve Root folder Error-- Part:04
- Default Controller Mechanism-- Part:05
- Page Loading Mechanism-- Part:06
- Create Model Mechanism-- Part:07
- Load Mechanism & htaccess-- Part:08
- Loading Database Model-- Part:09
- Database Class and Methods-- Part:10
- Fetch and Show Data-- Part:11
- Dynamic Method Mechanism-- Part:12
- Dynamic Insert Mechanism-- Part:13
- User Input Mechanism-- Part:14
- Auto Load Core Classes-- Part:15
- Dynamic Update Mechanism-- Part:16
- Dynamic Delete Mechanism-- Part:17
- User Update Mechanism-- Part:18
- Loading Page Section in View-- Part:19
- Fetch Post Data-- Part:20
- Make Details Page-- Part:21
- Fetch Data Joining Multiple Tables-- Part:22
- Display Posts Category Wise-- Part:23
- Category List in Sidebar-- Part:24
- Design Search Options-- Part:25
- Advanced Search Mechanism-I-- Part:26
- Advanced Search Mechanism-II-- Part:27
- Dynamic Main Class-- Part:28
- User Login Page-- Part:29
- User Login Mechanism-- Part:30
- Dynamic Session Class-- Part:31
- User Logout Mechanism-- Part:32
- Admin Dashboard-- Part:33
- Add and Show Categories-- Part:34
- Showing Success Message-- Part:35
- Update Category Dynamically-- Part:36
- Fixing Bug & Add Article Page-- Part:37
- Fetch Articles in Data Table-- Part:38
- Insert Article Dynamically-- Part:39
- Dynamic Form Validation-- Part:40
- User Input Validation-- Part:41
- Showing Current User-- Part:42
- Edit Article Data-- Part:43
- Save Article Data-- Part:44
- Showing All Users-- Part:45
- Create User Dynamically-- Part:46
- Assign User Roles-- Part:47
- Theme UI Option-- Part:48
- 404 Not Found Page-- Part:49
- Directory Access Control-- Part:50
☎ Contact: 01916-894716 (Md. Kawser)